Find a job, get your high school diploma, explore career opportunities or enroll in college or job training programs at the Atlantic County Office of Workforce Development who's office is located 2 South Main St., Pleasantville, NJ. The office offers employment and training services to young adults ages 16 to 24. Hours of operation are Monday through Friday 8:30 am to 4:00 p.m., all in person meetings are by appointment only.
Out-of-School youth ages 16 to 24 may enroll in community programs to earn their high school diploma, gain job skills to lay the foundation for employment or prepare for post-secondary enrollment in job-training or college.
Over 21 years of age? The New Jersey Youth Corps program is a statewide initiative to assist out-of-school youth ages 16 to 25 that need to complete their high school education, gain necessary work skills for employment, increase their academic performance levels and want to make a difference in their lives and the lives of others in the community.
In the summer, when grant funds are available, the Atlantic County Office of Workforce Development runs an eight-week program to assist in the ongoing revitalization of the City of Pleasantville, ensuring the visual aesthetics match the vitality of the community. The gateway enhancement project assists Pleasantville in renewing its efforts to encourage economic development, improved education and advocate for healthy living. Youth ages 16 to 24 are enrolled and trained in advanced landscape and streetscape techniques and provided with life and work skill training and career development activities. Youth participate in OSHA and CPR training earning both certifications.
The Job Corps program is a national job training and education program for youth ages 16—24. Call (732) 240-5995 Ext. 245 for more information.
When requested the Atlantic County Office of Workforce Development holds four-week interactive Job Clubs. Sessions include career development activities, resume writing assistance and review interview techniques. Registration is required. In Atlantic County call (609) 485-0052 for more information.
Call or stop in and speak with one of our Employment Specialists to discuss education, employment and career options. In Atlantic County call (609) 485-0052, extension 4810.
Services and programs are provided to increase the job skills and employability of young adults ages 16 to 24. Services are available at no cost through a grant from the New Jersey State Department of Labor and Workforce Development. Employment Specialists are available to meet with young adults to discuss career, education and employment goals based on their interests, abilities and aptitudes. Walk-ins are always welcomed. Groups are welcome by appointment.
Available in Character Building, Student Achievement, Work Readiness, Resume Writing, Interviewing for a Job and Dress for Success. Workshops may be conducted on-site or off-site based on the availability of staff.
On occasion, the Atlantic County Office of Workforce Development holds mini-jobs fairs. Check back frequently for updates.